May 5th was the National Day of Awareness of the crisis known as Missing and Murdered Indigenous Womxn and Girls (MMIWG) — This Action was done to raise awareness and work towards ending this crisis. It started at noon near the Columbus Circle, continued inside the NYC Subway train and ended at the American Museum of Natural History where a large art piece made of red clothes were brought inside and displayed by indigenous women who sang traditional songs and shouted statements regarding the crisis. Consequently it was wrapped around the statue of Theodore Roosevelt.

Videos of the Action:

“We are walking with our ancestors behind us, and Creatress before us. Healing within our communities needs to begin.”

  • “In 2016 there were 5,712 indigenous women, 2 spirit and trans folk reported missing, murdered and/or trafficked within the so called United States. Only 116 of them were logged into the Department of Justice’s database.”

    For more information: #MMIGT2S #MMIW @seedingsovereignty

  • Indigenous Womxn Collective @indigenouswomxns on IG

  • Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women

  • The Red Nation

  • Urban Indian Health Institute